16 Ummericam Rd, Silverbridge, Newry, Armagh, BT35 9PB
Contact Elena Martin Property Consultant

Description & Features
This four bedroom detached property (308m Square Metres), situated off the Ummercam Road in a rural setting of Silverbridge and is position withing The Ring of Gullion Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Silverbridge is approximately 12 miles from Newry City, 4 Miles from Crossmaglen and 10 miles from Dundalk.
Planning Enforcement as property was not constructed in accordance with approved plans. Demolition of the 2 storey side extension on the southern side of the dwelling, removal of the first floor window from the central dormer, demolition of the 2 bay windows to the front of the property and the stone façade to the main front wall should be plasterboard over to match the existing finishes.
Domestic Consent to Discharge – Any interested parties must submitted an application for a Treatment Plant within the boundaries of the site, to rectify the drainage issue.
Housing Tenure
Type of Tenure
Not Provided
Location of 16 Ummericam Rd
Broadband Speed Availability
Recommended for larger than average households who have multiple devices simultaneously streaming, working or browsing online. Also perfect for serious online gamers who want fast speed and no freezing.
Potential speeds in this area
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